Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So after many screwed up pulls fomr Hooter and Shonk we finally got Tidewalker down after I respecced my talent build. I guess Subtlety is a useful talent after all even though I do lose 60mp5 :(
Some Random plate healing shoulders and the pvp healing ring dropped Grats new pally Neoviper and Medizor on their loot.

Also moved on and experienced Leotheras, who is probably the most insane boss I've seen in SSC so far. Hitting hard in his human form and doing major damage in his demon form.

Highlight of the night was when Turbak couldnt kill his shadow and was mind controlled for 10mins not once but TWICE, and since we didnt kill him he over and hung out with Leotheras and friends while we were ressing and waiting.

If anyone else has had any amusing experiences with Leotheras, feel free to post about it in the comments.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Rough Night

Not the type of rough night usual people have.
Rough night last night in SSC. Being low on healers resulted in many failed attempts at Tidewalker and me being the mega aggro magnet because there wasnt enough healers to spread out the aggro over.

We will eventually get him down, I can feel it coming.

On other news, my cousin Filoshadow finally transferred his warrior over to my new server and joined my guild as a casual(non raider). Got some hardcore pvp going again which I havent done in a long time. It was quite exciting even though I was experiencing lag every 5 mins or so

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Random Gamer Stuff

Halo 3 for Xbox360 has finally gone gold. All those beta tests are finally over and the game has been taken to some sercret underground manufacturer to be turned into retail versions.
I guess its time to whip out my 360 and prep it for this massive game....oh wait I dont have a 360 hmmm. Guess I could go to a friends house and freeload off him.

Official Release Date for Halo 3: September 26th


In other cool news, a preview of a song in Guitar Hero III was released a while back, and I just remembered having it today. The person who played this must be some kinda guitar hero god.

So here is this insane song being played: